NUFORC UFO Sighting 58975

Occurred: 1986-03-15 15:40 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2007-09-27 19:37 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Midway, GA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Blue light in clear sky with unbelievable speed

Myself and a friend had just returned to my house from middle school and were standing in front of my garage when a bright light shot from across the sky.

The object was bright blue/white in color and appeared to be about the size of a fist held up in the sky.

The object flew from the western sky directly over our heads to the eastern sky without stopping and covered horizon to horizon in about 2 seconds.

The sky was clear and sunny. The object was as bright as the sun without hurting to look.

We both questioned it immediately, but never reported. We've discussed it once or twice since, but have come to no conclusion as to the identity of the object.


Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2007-10-08

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