NUFORC Sighting 5836

Occurred: 1967-05-15 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-03-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 minutes
No of observers: 7

Location: Gainesville, FL, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

An equilateral triangle with a red glowing light on each corner (one each corner--three total. solid sillouette dark shape about the size of a city bus that moved over us at treetop level (50-75ft) above us. It was completely silent. If there was sound, none could be heard. Speed between 3-5mph moving slowly.

In 1967 I was 14 years of age. I am now 46. Am not sure of the exact date because that exact information was lost long ago. I did write it down after it happened and drew a sketch. They (NASA) had just launched a sattelite that morning and we(the neighborhood gang) a small group of five kids including myself (me the oldest) were outside at the corner of N.W.9th Street and 42nd ave. Gainesville, Florida looking at the sky to see if we could observe the sattelite go across the sky. We had seen them before and knew what they were---a light white in color that looked like a star way up there moving much faster than a jetplane in a straight path across the sky. Anyway all we saw at first was stars--the sky was clear--no clouds.... This was on a night where us kids had school the next morning and although it was just after dark, we were stretching our time outside before our parents actually made us come inside for the night. The kennedy Space Center is not terribly far as the crow flies and when the sky is clear, we can easily see the space shuttle shortly after it is launched. But back then there was no shuttle. We could hear a single engine plane landing at the Gainesville airport less than five miles away. I was looking off to the north east and one of the other kids excitedly said "Hey! Look at that...It's as big as a Battleship!!!!" (Well, it wasn't as big as a battleship, but there was a large dark object coming our way just above the trees probaly no more than 100ft up at the most and 50-60ft at the least.) When I first looked over to my left to the north the first thing I noticed was some Red glowing lights moving towards us thru the trees. As this thing came out from behind the trees to the clear area over the road we were standing on then we got a clear view of it. Looking at it from directly underneath, it was a dark solid triangle and from my memory thru all these years, each side was of equal length. there was a round red softly glowing light on each corner so that if the lights were not exactly ! on each corner they were very close to the point of each corner. These lights were no more than three feet in diameter, possibly a little smaller 1-1/2--2ft in dia. They were not reflecting off the underside of the object. There was NO SOUND. We were not afraid, but I said "Lets get your parents" and we started running south down NW9th street (the same street we were at the north end of---The same street that my friends lived on) We were able to run ahead of the object so it couldn't have been moving more than 5mph...It was coming the same direction (south) not directly over 9th street, and not directly over the homes on 9th, but between the street and their front yards. By the time we ran the distance of about 5 homes and quickly got my friends parents out of the house to observe this, this thing had reached our position. The Two parents saw it too as it came over us again. After we raise a fuss over this thing it seemed to rise up higher and level off at maybe a hundred feet or mor higher than we first saw it and it continued on. It never went any faster, but the farther away it got it simply blended in with the sky-- the farther away it got , the harder it was to see until we coult not see it any more. although with binoculars it would have been observable for longer.I could type more details.... but I'm getting tired for now-- I could answer more details easier in person, because there is more to this story as it continues 11 years later-- not with me but someone else and about 60 miles away in Ocala National Forest over State road 19.

Posted 1999-04-02

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