NUFORC UFO Sighting 5827

Occurred: 1999-02-21 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-03-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: several minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Auburn, MA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

A Ball of light, thinking it was a plane, sound,no body,floating on air across the sky...VERY low to the ground,or very high..

The ball of light was far away..into the nights sky,about 1/2 a mile. i would see a few,and then think it was stars,or military planes,or i gave it no thought.then as i kept seeing these lights,more often than so, i began to get night i was in my kitchen, my husband was home to, late at night,i saw a ball of light, moving closer and closer,Low over twords my house.I thought hmmm, a plane? So i got my husband to look out the kitchen window,out to the backyard..up into the sky.i showed him, and he was amazed.I was scared. I watched this thing, this light that had no sound, no body,lightly float over my kitchen lights were Off.I ran into the next room, following it, and it continued on,till out of was so low, and no sound. it was about 100 ft above my house.My husband now denies seeing it,says there is nothing we can do.i see this still. and i close my eyes and walk away... Fearing looking out my window at night.Now.. there is 1 more incident that is fresh in my mind.the incident i just described happenes often.But this incident i am going to explain next.. happened in August/98. I even saw a shrink for this. she thought i was nutz, i never went back to her again...I cannot Tell you how scary this was. It was about 2-2:30 a.m. and a cloudy night.I awoke from my sleep,my son needed a bottle.i walked through the living room,looking out the slider,to see a bright ball of light. I thought to myself,"wow, full moon tonight!"..and still half asleep, i went to the i was preparing this bottle, i realized it wasnt a full moon. it was not a night for the full moon to appear, nor was a moon low to the ground, almost 10-15 feet off the i panicked. i froze.I went over to the window and peeked out numerous times, not to be seen, and took a streneuos look at what it was..maybe it was a flashlight,maybe it was something explainable.It wasnt. the light got smaller.then i told it to go away, in my mind,..telling it to go away.this light was in my neibors yard.Now thier house went up for sale soon after this.i am not sure if it is related to this anyways, this ball of light suddenly got bright, and dissapeared.That was it. But, i do remember the light facing twords my, when a helicopter with a light flickers when it moves. this did.but not that you could really notice it.i swear it was something.I know it was a ball of light with no body,No sound, and dissappeared in seconds.the end.

Posted 1999-04-02

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