NUFORC UFO Sighting 58257
Occurred: 2007-08-18 19:40 LocalReported: 2007-08-18 20:25 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Beaverton, OR, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Two objects seen over Portland
A friend called me to look to the NE about 45 degrees. I observed an object that looked like a two rounded cubes connected and slowly rotating while rising very slowly. I could only see it with binoculars. There was a second object farther away at 11 o'clock to the closest object. Definitely not kids balloons. The reason my friend called was that he saw 3 jets from the Portland airbase flying around a couple of dots in the sky. I didn't see the planes but I heard them. At the distance I saw the closest object, I would say it was about the size of helicopter, but I have no reference point to be certain.
Posted 2007-10-08
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