NUFORC UFO Sighting 58233

Occurred: 2007-08-14 22:00 Local
Reported: 2007-08-17 20:03 Pacific
Duration: 20 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Goldhead State Park (Clay Co.), FL, USA

Shape: Diamond

8/14 clay county florida, moving light (star)

We were lying on a blanket watching the stars. I noted one star that was particularly bright. As I watched it; the "star" moved it travelled diagnally in a northwest direction (stopped for about 10 seconds then moved back. It then moved again in a lateral move toward the west. (stopped) moved back. The movements were obvious, deliberate and seemed to have moved in several directions as discribed above at least ten times. I am not a mathematician and cannot tell you how many degrees it moved. I can only say, that if one were looking up at the stars above it would move what seemed to be a foot or two from its posistion. We watched until my teenage grandaughter becames so afraid She ran into the cabin. I went in to comfort her. Do satellites move like this. Just curious. What I saw was not a star. Looking to the sky on that very clear night it just looked like a star brighter than the others. It seemed to be the same plane as the other stars. Just thought I would report. More for the reason that I would like to know if we can see satellites with the naked eye in the night sky and do they move like the above described.

Thank you.

please any correspondence to ((e-address deleted))

Posted 2007-10-08

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