NUFORC UFO Sighting 58232
Occurred: 2007-07-16 01:56 LocalReported: 2007-08-17 19:20 Pacific
Duration: 2-5 MINUTES
No of observers: 1
Location: La Peche (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects
Orange Glowing Diamond shuts off street lights, car lights!
While driving home alone in the early hours of the morning July 17, I encountered a diamond shaped, glowing orange object, which had a ball of molten looking light in the center of it. It appeared to be about 50 feet above a street lamp. I was approaching a stop sign which merged onto the highway I needed to drive on. As I came close to the stop sign, the street light suddenly dimmed and went out, as did my car headlights and dash lights. I felt the car was going to stall, but it didn’t. As I turned right, I noticed something to my left, and stopped to investigate. Much to my shock, I saw this object hovering stationary above the street light. I stopped the car, and the craft also stopped, which had begun to move. I began to accelerate and it did the same! I again stopped my car, and it also stopped….and then began to turn towards me! As I took off in my car, all the street lights and the local motel’s outdoor lights all went out at the same time. I again pulled over, and much to my amazement, all the lights began flickering, and came on again! The craft then took off, heading in a southerly direction. I have just learned that it had been spotted in this area twice since June 2007. Living in the country, and driving alone and encountering this object that late at night really terrified me. This is not my 1st encounter with ufo’s. I had a major sighting in 2005, with 4 other witnesses present. Also summer of 2006.
We have amended the date above, in order to reflect a date of July 17. PD
Posted 2007-10-08
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