NUFORC UFO Sighting 58207

Occurred: 2007-08-15 22:05 Local
Reported: 2007-08-15 23:57 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Santa Rosa, CA, USA

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Triangle shaped bright lights with one red in the rear floated slowly southwest over Santa Rosa CA

At 10:05 pm, Wednesday, 8-15-07, in the north Santa Rosa, California area, at 3925 Old Redwood Hwy, I noticed a bright light typical of approaching airplanes in the sky that was flying in an unusual direction from over the eastern hills and in my direction. I work a lot in the area and airplanes and helicopters never fly in that northeast to southwest direction, so I watched it. As it got overhead, the bright "headlights" turned out to be six white lights in a triangle shape on the underside. As it passed overhead, I also saw that the back two white lights, and also a red light in the rear middle, were blinking on and off.

It was about the length and width of two fingers at arms reach and took about eight minutes to cover a distance of maybe five to seven miles. It seemed to move slowly, meandering in an S pattern, south, then west, then south again before I lost sight of it behind some trees.

As it moved almost out of sight to the southwest I then noticed airplane "headlights" moving underneith it by about a distance of seven times the size of the object flying northward in a strait and normal direction of flight.

I am a California licensed private investigator and was on a surveillance at the time.

Posted 2007-10-08

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