NUFORC UFO Sighting 58181
Occurred: 2007-08-14 17:00 LocalReported: 2007-08-14 18:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins.
No of observers: 2
Location: Williamson County, IL, USA
Shape: Sphere
A huge Sphere metallic shiny object in afternoon sky,
I was sitting in my living room this afternoon watching TV with my 19 yr. old daughter, when through my window I saw a sphere shape object moving slowly across the sky. I sat there looking not believing what I was seeing.
I looked at my daughter and asked her what the heck is that in the sky. She looked up from her laptop and saw the same thing and looked at me and said, "Oh, my god!"
We both jumped up ran out to the deck and couldn’t believe what we were seeing. A very round sphere that was very metallic and so shiny. By the way this is at 4:00 in the afternoon with no clouds in the sky.
All of the sudden it just went straight up in the sky and disappeared. We were very scared.
My daughter ran inside to grab a camera. A minute later it appeared again but this time it was going in the opposite direction and again went straight up in the sky and disappeared. We never got a picture because we were in such shock of what were seeing.
I have never experienced anything like this and I am scared to death. I feel like I have witnessed something very amazing and very unexplained. My daughter and I will never ever forget this experience. Where we live you just don’t here about these kind of things.
I have never been on a website to even see what or who to contact with this information. I found your website and I hope someone else might have seen what we have seen.
Thank You!
Posted 2007-10-08
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