NUFORC UFO Sighting 58066

Occurred: 1971-07-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2007-08-09 16:58 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Steelville, MO, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Orange light over Steelville MO in 1971

Steelville, MO UFO in 1971 I was very young being only a 7 year old boy in 1971. I was not without understanding of certain things in life, and as I have grown up, I have talked about this with my parents, and with my grandparents. The story has not changed at all since the events took place. It is not a wild crazy story, but simple and pure. I hope people can see how most UFO stories really happen, and can also see the degree of fear that comes over a person as this happens, especially to a young person like me, who barely understood exactly what aliens and flying saucers were really all about. It was not until I was a little older that I had a fuller understanding. Still, I knew at the time as the events I will describe unfolded that aliens meant people from another planet and UFOs were possibly spaceships.

I have not altered this story knowingly, and I have written it down before, but not in recent times. I was 12 when I first wrote it down, and I am not even looking at that as I type this account. I know the story perfectly well in my head, and as you will see, there really is not much to it. I just want people to understand, that I did not embellish this in any way, and I do not want any publicity. I want only to share something that happened. I still have dreams about it. Not really nightmares, because I welcome the experience in my head. At the time, I was scared, and shaking.

This all took place in the summer of 1971 in early July. I do not have the exact date, and it is mostly irrelevant in this case since I do not want a case study done. Nothing would ever be proven in this situation or in this account. This story will stand as the only witness to what happened near my grandparent’s home in the woods 4 miles south of Steelville Missouri.

It was 8 PM in the evening and the family was playing cards at my grandparent’s house in Steelville, Missouri (just south of town about 3-4 miles off a dirt road into a woods where they had a nice modern house). I was watching TV nearby in the front room, to this day I am not even sure what I was watching. I do remember that at some point there was something that felt like a vibration from a very low frequency that shook the house. The house is made of brick, and so to shake it means there was a real force at work. Then the electricity went out, and then the phone started ringing, and ringing. Then the back yard lit up in a dull orange glow and something very bright was low just above the trees in the woods behind the house. My grandma answered the phone, but it was still be ringing with the receiver off the hook. All our hair by this time was standing on end either from the fright or electrical static charge that seemed to be in the air.

It was mom who spotted the orange light in (over) the woods through the sliding glass doors. We all went out back and began watching it, but then it came closer and closer and then I got scared and ran inside the house. I was afraid they were coming this way! They were! I have no idea who they were. I never found out, and the story pretty much ends here, because we saw this light and I mean it was more than a light, it was a huge glow. It was bright, but not over the top bright maybe the woods dulled it some and I was seeing it more or less shaded. It finally appeared in clear view, but was higher in the sky, and went straight up and out of site VERY VERY fast. I did not see it go up; this was told to me by my parents as they came inside, and as we recounted this story. I missed only a few seconds of the show, as it only lasted for 5 minutes or so total time. The power came on and the phone stopped ringing as it left. No one else saw it to my knowledge, and there really are no neighbors close by at all. There were almost no sounds from the light/craft except that low vibrating feeling. It remained always an orange color with no flashing lights. It left, and that is all there is to tell.

In a story like this, you will see that I have very few hard details, as there are really none to tell. I can see this all in my head, and it happened. I have no idea what the light was, but it was not anything I would guess is from our current technology. What flies up that fast and goes up and into outer space in a few seconds or less, perhaps as little as 1 second. There are so many stories about people seeing a light in the sky and it all proves so very little in the long run. I have very little to offer, but there is no misinterpretation being made. I have offered this simple story up, and know it is truly a UFO sighting. I hope others who have seen similar lights or craft will be able to gain more understanding from my encounter with a strange light in the sky. There was never anything found in the woods either, nothing burned, no evidence of any kind. We do not believe it landed. It always remained above the trees.

Thank you for letting me share this story.


Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2007-08-14

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