NUFORC UFO Sighting 58001

Occurred: 2007-08-05 21:45 Local
Reported: 2007-08-05 19:52 Pacific
Duration: 1/2 hour

Location: Cape Breton (Canada), NS, Canada

Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Pilots must have seen these strange lights.

Witnessed first; 3 of what appeared to be commercial airliners. Lights on wing tips and also a white strobe and a red strobe visable. 3 traveling in the same flight path easterly. Behind the 3 at a distance we saw a solid white light traveling the same flight path. This object had no visable flashing red or white, strobe type lights. Just one big solid white light. It seemed to travel faster then the airliner in front of it. It appeared to almost catch the airliner but then drop lower in the horizon. This light was followed by 3 more of what appeared to be commercial airliners with their flashing lights. The airliner that was behind this strange light must have seen this light also along with the 2 others behind it. There were again several more airliners following each other in that same flight path a total of aprox 9 more all in aprox 15 minutes. Then witnessed another single light traveling north westerly a little smaller in size then the first, and again no other lights present. This light was headed on and intersecting course with what appeared to be another airliner. The two crossed paths at what had to be different altitudes or they certainly would have collided.

These pilots would have certainly seen these lights at a close distance.

Not sure what we seen but the sky was busy a total of 20 airliners and 2 unidentified in the sky over a 20 minute period.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2007-08-07

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