NUFORC UFO Sighting 5791
Occurred: 1993-07-15 03:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-03-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 10
Location: Puerto Rico (at sea North of), PR, USA
Shape: Sphere
On orange globe passed our ship from astern with no sound only light on the water and the ship
At sea, Uss Eisenhower, late at night, on watch on the flightdeck. North of Puertio Rico. A bright steady orange ball big as the moon came up from astern. Lighting the water then the flight deck and aircraft with orange light. Silent, to the starbord side, just above the height of the deck which is 75 feet above the water, it just flew by. Quietly it passed the bow and accelerated upwards till it was gone.
The other watchstander with me saw it too. I looked up at the bridge but they were not reacting to it.
I have seen missiles, flares, bombs and all sorts of aircraft under all sorts of conditions. I have not seen anything similar to that other than a hunter's moon but that, of course, dosen't move.
Posted 2001-10-12
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