NUFORC UFO Sighting 57587

Occurred: 1998-07-01 01:00 Local
Reported: 2007-07-10 23:59 Pacific
Duration: not sure

Location: St. Thomas (U. S. Virgin Islands), VI, USA

Characteristics: Lights on object

craft from st thomas

We were on a dingy going from Saphire Beach to Red Hook. The night was really dark because it was a new moon, but my friend and I took this trip many of times. We knew exactly where we were at when this bright light shine right over us like the time had stopped. When we were spot it by who ever it was there was no sound but just a huge light on top of us. The light was not any kind of light that I had ever seen. When that light shined on us I took a look at my friend and it was like a slow motion. I told my friend that I would never repeat this story, but after reading some of yours, I figure I would like to let you know.

Posted 2007-08-07

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