NUFORC UFO Sighting 5749
Occurred: 1998-09-24 20:15 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-02-28 00:00 Pacific
No of observers: 1
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
Shape: Disk
I looked out the window and I saw this saucer shaped thing. I looked all different directions and it still was there so it couldn't have been a reflection of a light. I couldn't make myself open the door to look at it. Then everything shook. I didn't feel it but it looked like everything was shaking. there was a flash of light and then I opened the door to see if I could see it out there too(I could move again) and it was gone. I shut the door and it wasn't there either.
I looked out the window and I saw this saucer shaped thing. It didn't have any lights and it wasn't moving. I cupped my hands around my eyes and pressed my nose to the glass. I know it wasn't a reflection. I was in too much shock to move. I wanted to open the sliding door and stand out there and look at it, but I was too afraid.I just stood there staring at it. It was grey and it didn't look like it had lights on it. I was the only one in the kitchen so I was the only one who saw it. My vision shook all of a sudden and everything was a blur. I opened the door(I was no longer in shock.) there was a flash of light and it was gone. no body believed me.
Posted 1999-04-02
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