NUFORC UFO Sighting 57394
Occurred: 2007-06-20 22:30 LocalReported: 2007-07-01 19:54 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Temperley (Argentina), , Argentina
Shape: Sphere
White sphere with 4 cm diameter, about 4 meters from eyes.
I walked outside through the back door of the house at 22:30 hours on the 20th of June 2007 , and saw a bright white sphere that seemed at first a considerable distance from me. I calculated the distance to be hundreds of meters judging by the size. But when I followed the object with my eyes it was moving to the left, in the sky. It was on top of my bedroom roof, four meters from my eyes. And then as it moved away from me it was straight in front of the first floor of my neighbor’s house, whose wall is 10 meters away. It trajectory was at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizontal, dipped to horizontal flight after 4 meters and then ascended quickly and vanished. I calculated its size 4 cm in diameter, perfect sphere with white light and its flight lasted 3 seconds.
I have got one question. What was it?
Posted 2007-08-07
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