NUFORC UFO Sighting 57001
Occurred: 2007-06-03 21:00 LocalReported: 2007-06-07 21:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Orange Beach, AL, USA
Shape: Light
star like object flys in night sky
On June 3, 2007, a friend and I was fishing in Orange Beach, Alabama at the Alabama point bridge. The fishing place was packed full of people, probably of about fifty people because every fishing spot was taken up by someone fishing from underneath the bridge to the other end of the breaker wall where the road pavement ends which is about two hundred feet from point to point. We arrived at the fishing place at about 4:00PM. The sky was clear, and it was very windy. It wasn't too hot because of the wind. At that time, not too many people were catching fish. The tide was going out into the Gulf, and quicker as each hour passing thus creating a swift current in the boating channel. Around 8:00PM, darkness began. Stars also began appearing. When it got dark, the fish bites became more regular rather then far between. I was fixated on this large star located due east, probably a planet because it was so large. Around 9:00PM while glancing now and then at this large star, I noticed star like object appear near the large star. At first, I thought another star was appearing as the night time sky above was slowly rotated over us. My thoughts then changed to possibly a plane approaching us, but if it was a plane, it wasn't the normal white light that a plane normally projects forward as it fly in the sky. At one point while I was watching this object get closer to our position which I estimated the object was at least five miles away, I thought I saw it jitter up and down. I squint with my eyes thinking maybe the wind was tossing me around a little thus causing me to see this object jiggling up and down slightly. That didn't help, the object still appeared to be jiggling around almost as in sharp jerks of up, down, and sideways motion. I called out to my friend who was intensely fishing, "Do you see that star"? She was almost ignoring me when she finally look up at me and saw me pointing to the star like object, then she glanced at the star like object. I then said, "I think it! s an UFO ". She looked at it for a few seconds then went back fishing not saying a word since a fish was tugging at her pole which she caught. When I first saw this object, it was about the same size as the star like planet, but slightly smaller. Then something very odd happen which I now changed my mind of it being a star or plane.
The object was probably about two or three miles away at about 5,000 feet in altitude from our position when it made a wide turn to the north. If it was a plane, technically, I shouldn't have longer seen its headlights. Not only that, I should have seen its strobe lights flashing to indicate that it was a plane. No identification lights were seen. And it still look like a star. The altitude the object was at was extremely way too low for it to be a satellite. The alarm bells went off inside me: UFO. I always carry a camera in my car and luckily, the battery was still charged, and I haven't used up all of the digital space. I quickly walked to the car and grab the camera. I could have quickly took some pictures in automatic mode, but I didn't trust that the camera would take a picture in that mode, especially with the flash possibly occurring and distorting the picture. I quickly search for the night time mode of available light on my camera knowing that I should get a picture in that mode, but forgot about the shutter speed, it was too was slow. I found the object in the sky now looking at its backside which it is also getting further away from me at the speed of a slow moving jet. I took the first picture shot and I was stun because the shutter was staying opened too long, so I tried as best as I could to hold the camera steady. After about a second, the stutter closed. I was really worried that the shutter would stay open for about five seconds. Anybody who has ever tried to take night picture could probably tell you what will happen if you hold the camera while the shutter is too slow. I had no time to change the mode, so I took another picture holding the camera as steady as possible. I was able to get four pictures before I could no longer see the object in the monitor.
While I was taking the pictures, one of the fishermen look at me and then looked at the direction I was taking the picture. He noticed the object and asked me, "What is it"? I replied, "Probably an UFO". He looked back at it again then looked at me strangely then continue on fishing. For the rest of the night, he just ignored me as if I was a fruit cake or a nut.
People, I just don't understand while some people can't believe that UFO's can be possible. Some worried that by believing UFO's are possible may affect their religious beliefs. I'm religious, but it hasn't affect by beliefs. As one person said to me, "I'll believe UFO's are real when one lands on my front door steps and knocks on my front door." I'm not a fruit cake, but a very well educated person with a open mind, not closed as of some people. Something is flying in our skies, and its not just a plane, balloons, kites, meteorites, birds, etc. And the government needs to get involved in explaining some of these flying object because I beginning to think they are UFOs. Picture of what I have taken that night is being sent via email. Not great pictures, but it something.
One of three reports from the same source. PD
Posted 2007-06-12
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