NUFORC UFO Sighting 56987

Occurred: 2007-06-06 03:55 Local
Reported: 2007-06-06 21:17 Pacific
Duration: 30seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Kirkwood, MO, USA

Shape: Oval

Large object in north to south orbit

At 3:55am on the morning of June 6 2007 I stepped outside to let the dog out. Looking almost straight up a little to the west, I saw a light of a small oval shape appear.

I have seen the small speck of satellites travel across the sky in a dark rural area, but this was in an urban area with alot of light pollution, and the light was of an order of several hundred times bigger than a sattelite.

The object appeared about 20 degrees to the right of straight up then continued until about 45 degrees past straight up, and was travelling from north to south.

I don't believe the light was from the object, but a reflection off of it. There may have been some trailing of light or this may have just been ghosting.

I have never seen anything like this and am curious about what it was. This was viewed from about 20 miles west of the city of St.Louis, MO.

Posted 2007-06-12

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