NUFORC UFO Sighting 56523

Occurred: 2007-05-04 01:05 Local
Reported: 2007-05-04 04:35 Pacific
Duration: 10 Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Beaver Dam/Oromocto (Canada), NB, Canada

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Lights over Oromocto

Friday May 4, 2007 At about 1:05am I went out to the patio to have a cigarette. I live in Beaver Dam which is just outside Fredericton, NB. I was looking in the general direction of Oromocto from there. Just above the tree line I saw what at first glance I thought was just another plane. The longer I looked at it the more I realized that it was not a plane. The colored flashing of the lights were completely random. They had no pattern to them like a normal plane. The next thing I noticed was that it was barely moving. During the 10 minutes that it was visable it only moved slightly from my right to left. Then disappeared.

I called CFB Gagetown in the morning to see if they were doing any exercises or could explain the lights and they said there were no exercises and they had no planes or helicopters out.

Posted 2007-06-12

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