NUFORC UFO Sighting 56479
Occurred: 2007-05-01 00:03 LocalReported: 2007-05-01 04:16 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 3
Location: Fortville, IN, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby
2 solid lights, very fast, jerky movements, appeared to be shooting white lights at each other, dodging them, later on formed a diamond
A little after 12 AM, I saw two little tiny lights through the window. I thought they were stars; I was about to go to sleep, but I kept staring and I noticed they were moving around! I payed particular attention to the one on the left, which was a little brighter. I noticed it was shooting little white particles from it to the other white dot. After seeing this shooting event, I basically started having a small panic attack. My little brother and sister also saw what I was seeing, even the shooting particles from one light to the other, and the fast, jerky movement of both lights.
The lights also started making these really short acting white lights around it. I knew it wasn't a plane because it was just a solid light that was moving incredibly fast, even though it was really far away. The pair of lights slowly moved to the left over time; I watched them for over 2 hours before I became too tired and fell asleep.
During the final moments of me watching the lights, I noticed there were 2 more. The four lights formed a diamond pattern in the sky, and the bottom corner one started moving around at incredible speeds, in strange circles and just left + right. It appeared to be dodging the white lights that were shooting out of the other lights.
I also noticed that during the 2 hour event, there were two different planes that kept circling the area, over and over.
Background info: I am a 19 year old sophomore in college, my little brother who also saw these UFO's is 12 years old, and my little sister is 11 years old. We all saw the lights and were basically terrified at what we saw.
I tried taking a picture with my cell phone camera but the lights were so dim the camera would not even pick it up on the screen. The objects were in the west.
Posted 2007-06-12
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