NUFORC UFO Sighting 56187

Occurred: 2007-04-12 03:24 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2007-04-11 21:19 Pacific
No of observers: 3

Location: Amman/Wadi Ram (desert) (Jordan), , Jordan

Shape: Unknown

accident happend at arabian country, Jordan

all we remember that the time stop. we lookin around .we find something not clear ..but after this ,the i.q for me increase without reason.

we are arabian and muslim too,we was shock from friends who was with me ,his hair convert to white .

because we are doctors ,we make blood check ,we find that hb% reach more than 17.5 above normal by 1 point.iron deposition in the skin make to us scar on the skin.

we are 3 three person ,remember that we was inside hole ,and this hole was greenish.

this what i remember at this accident.

we hidden this story because if we was talking the people about that ,they will think that we are crazy people.

anyway ,this condition make us ,reach high i.q ..we are happy from this.

above we answer that we seen two craft,believe me ,no airplane on the earth has the same shap from what we seen it.

please we dont need contact from anybody ,please accept my apologize from this.

we are physician at now ,we would not make any body know this story because this make us like stupiod people between my community in the past.

anyway ,in my religion book,the god said that there people before us was on the earth.

not at space ,and those people came from the sea.this what we believe here.but not all the people here.

thanks to hear my story.


We cannot confirm that the report was submitted from Jordan. PD

Posted 2007-04-27

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