NUFORC UFO Sighting 5604

Occurred: 1996-07-03 10:00 Local
Reported: 1999-02-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 40

Location: University Place, WA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail, Emitted other objects

It was the fourth of july, actually the evening before. I was driving down 67th avenue, going towards lakewood, when I saw this big fireball type object in the sky. There were many cars on the road and they all slowed to about 5 mph gazing at the sky. The object resembled a type of firework, yet much much much larger, about as big, lengthwise as two 747's, and as wide as two of the bodies. the fireball was by and large all red and went down towards the ground very slowly. At this point I thought it was a crashing plane or some new spectacular firework. My view changed when the fireball suddenly began to rise again almost like a dragon during the celebration of the chinese new year. A week later a person that I worked with explained that he had seen the same thing while working that evening and nobody believed him. This is an extremely likel;y scenario because i had seen the object over fircrest golf club, where we both were employed at the time. He said nobody else saw it because they were emptying the trash during the sighting, and during the summer months, the trash is done right around 10pm. The sighting left me speechless, although I do doubt that it was an alien craft because it seemed to be ablaze, and totally unfit for life.


NUFORC: A sighting somewhat reminiscent of this report was reported to us regarding an incident on 04JL98. In the latter case, the report was accompanied by a video of the phenomenon. In the latter case, the peculiar "stream of fire" turned out to be a helicopter with a type of sparkler, or spark generator, attached to it, and it was doing abrupt, aerobatic-style maneuvers. It leaves the viewer with an impression of a cascade of sparks. This explanation is only conjecture.

Posted 1999-04-02

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