NUFORC UFO Sighting 55506
Occurred: 2007-02-19 14:00 LocalReported: 2007-03-02 10:47 Pacific
Duration: 5:00
No of observers: 1
Location: Littlerock, AR, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Left a trail, Changed Colo
The cover up is over these were ships from another galaxie!!!
at about 14:00 hours i witnessed first one object come from behind a cloud and it had a white tail one it while standing in the yard this object traveled west having a white tail it went along for awhile then dissappeared. As i continued trying to see where it went the object i saw came from thw est raveling southeast and passed overhead it was circular or shaped like a crown and was changing colors from silver to gold it went into a cloud and came back from the south traveling north to which it slowed down and hovered over the houses directly behind my house at which time aother came out of the north travelin south to which they just hovered above the houses a bit above tree top level then the crafts crossed each other in the skies as they hovered and then took off out of sight.
Posted 2007-03-08
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