NUFORC UFO Sighting 55504

Occurred: 2007-02-28 06:00 Local
Reported: 2007-03-02 01:30 Pacific
Duration: 20 MIN.
No of observers: 2

Location: Springville, AL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

3 bright yellowish white lights,side by side appeared around 6 AM, in the dense woods across the road from our house.

On 2-28-2007, around 5:30 - 6:00 Am, I was sitting at the kitchen table. I was looking out our picture window , which is located in the next room, but is visible from the chair I was sitting in. I like to watch the birds, and have bird feeders in a tree outside this room. The sun was coming up and was very bright that morning.

I noticed 3 very bright lights in the woods across the road from our house. The lights were very unusual. They formed a side ways, ½ circle shape. No unusual noise was heard. The lights did not move or change colors. Most of the trees across from our house are probably 20 to 40 foot tall. These lights were probably ½ way up the trees, in the dense woods. We have lived on this property for about 13 years, and I know there are no houses or anything in that direction.

My husband had gotten up and was getting ready for work. I called him to the window and asked him if he could see those lights. I asked him if it could be the sun reflecting off something, and what he thought they were. He replied it was something in the woods, but he didn’t have a clue what it could be.

I grabbed my digital camera and tried to take a picture, but could not get a good shot from where I was. He told me to give him the camera. He went outside and climbed up on a ledge beside the porch and took 2 pictures, then the camera went dead. We talked about the lights for a few minutes., and then he went back to getting ready for work.

I set the camera on the table, and started making breakfast. He ate and left for work. I guess about 20 minutes. had passed, by the time I finished cleaning off the table and washing dishes. I went back to the window and looked, but the lights were gone. So I went about my day.

Later that night I decided to download the pictures to see it they even turned out. What a SHOCK!! 2 pictures turned out, but in order to see what looks like a space craft, you have to enlarge the picture. I am having the picture blown up to a 8x10, to see if it will pick it up even better. I am not a computer expert or anything, so I am not sure how to make the picture any larger on my computer.

I swear I am nut a nut or anything. And I am thrilled that my husband saw it too and was able to get the pictures he was able to get, before the batteries went dead in my camera.

Posted 2007-03-08

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