NUFORC UFO Sighting 55426
Occurred: 2007-02-24 19:15 LocalReported: 2007-02-24 16:46 Pacific
Duration: 1min
No of observers: 5
Location: Georgetown (Guyana), , Guyana
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
A UFO which came to a sudden stop over the city without turning, went the opposite direction.
It was approximately 7:15 pm when I saw a object going north which I initially taught was an airplane because of the normal blinking reddish lights lights & flying at a pretty low altitude. What really grasp my attention and give me a big shock was when it came to a sudden stop, for about an average 10 seconds, I use about 5 seconds to call my mom and cousin to see it.
Without even circling around it went in the opposite direction pretty much, like south easterly with a blue light added and one of it red light not there. I could not really see the shape but I am sure it was circler. I saw it for about 30 to about 45 sec before it vanished behind my neighbor house. Now for sure I am a believer.
Posted 2007-03-08
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