NUFORC UFO Sighting 5538

Occurred: 1974-06-10 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-01-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Kentucky, KY, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

i was young when this happened, and am not sure of the exact events that have been forgotten over time, but i will describe this as best as i can. i observed a craft hoovering over the back porch of the house.

i was in the house, on a saturday morning, at about 7 or 8 am watching cartoons or getting ready to, when something got my attention and i went outside to see a craft, a fairly small craft, with a see through dome on the top of it and lights going around the bottom of it that were spinning around, flashing, if you will....... i looked up and saw the beings that were in it. there were 2 of them , if i can remember clearly. one or both of them looked at me, and i was mesmerized by their looks or eyes. it was strange, because they seemed to be moving in slow motion. i think one of them actually glared at me. i ran to the neighbors house and tried to wake the little boy there up to show him , but he didn't go or it was gone by the time i got back? i'm not sure... i remember trying to wake my mom up, to go see it, but she wouldn't come or wouldn't wake up. i'm not sure..... there was no noise coming from the craft that i can remember.

Posted 1999-02-16

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