NUFORC UFO Sighting 54859
Occurred: 1981-01-15 10:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2007-01-20 13:25 Pacific
Duration: 10
No of observers: 1
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Shape: Triangle
Triangular black craft in broad daylight hovering high and then speeding off.
This sighting has stuck clearly in my memory for 20+ years although I only occasionally thought about it over the years as you hear about UFOs. It was a sight where you instantly know this is something extraordinary and not what our brains are used to processing and seeing. I never really investigated anything more about it over the years because the craft I saw was triangular and I never heard of anyone seeing such a thing. Until yesterday. I watched a cable special about the UFO incident in 2000 near St. Louis with the various officer sightings of a black triangular object. I then checked the internet to see about sightings in Colorado at roughly the same time of mine. I have goose bumps again to see so many similar sightings from seemingly credible accounts. My story is brief but it left a permanent record on my mind.
I can't remember the exact date but it was in the early 1980s and I was a passenger in a car with my brother driving. We were on a small street road near our house and it was daylight and very clear. As we were driving, I casually glanced at Pikes Peak which occupies a large part of the mountainous view in Colorado Springs. Near the top (above treeline) and slightly to the right of Pikes Peak was a triangular black object that appeared to be rotating. It was close to Pikes Peak and probably 5 miles from me - line of sight. I could tell it was very large given its relative dimension to Pikes Peak just behind it. Had this been at night I could have dismissed it as any possible craft but being a clear day I was instantly startled as to what this was. I had a good familiarity with military aircraft with my father in the Air Force and growing up in Colorado Springs near the Air Force Academy. As I stated, the fact that it was triangular and didn't seem to have any other discernable shape or markings, I was amazed at what this might be. I immediately told my brother to look and even told him "stop the car" and look. By the time he finished asking "what is it" and stopped the car, I watched it disappear at an incredible speed over and behind Pikes Peak.
I never saw it or anything like it again but after reading these accounts I felt I had to add my story to the many accounts listed. I am shocked to see many accounts even older than mine of similar sightings which indicates it could not have been any kind of experimental military craft. I hope one day I can find out what it was and solve the mystery.
Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2007-02-01
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