NUFORC UFO Sighting 54617
Occurred: 2007-01-07 01:30 LocalReported: 2007-01-08 20:49 Pacific
Duration: 5/10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Pictou (Canada), NS, Canada
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
The object was 80 degree up to the west two lines very bright lime green moving very fast down past the line of sight.
The objects came at a very high rate of speed from about 80 degrees looking up it was two parallel bright lime like green lines spaced evenly apart like the sides of a paper clip it looked to be about five miles away and about two feet in length from how ever far away it realy was from me. It was almost west of me more to the west southwest. There was no tail trail just solid light I was looking into a clear night sky with a 3/4 moon behind me to my east. It happened so fast I was sure it had hit the ground but I am not sure what I have seen or how far out in the sky it was .The objects moved out of my line of sight so quickly.
Posted 2007-02-01
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