NUFORC UFO Sighting 5417

Occurred: 1998-01-26 20:45 Local
Reported: 1999-01-27 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 .5 min total
No of observers: 1

Location: Bartelso (outside of), IL, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects

I found a oval shape object hovering over a flooded field at aprox 50 to 75 ft. I watched the object for aprox 1 min. Craft then went straight up aprox 100-150 yards, hovered about 3-5 sec and then flew south over tree line and disappeared.

the object was oval and was a glowing bright white, with a red-purple light coming from the bottom. It illuminated the whole area around the flooded field. The object just hovered, then shot straight up and disappeared after a couple of seconds. The object disappeared over the tree line within 2 to 3 seconds. When I got back into my truck I had a hard time getting it to start.

Posted 2002-04-25

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