NUFORC UFO Sighting 54066
Occurred: 2005-08-06 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2006-12-19 01:42 Pacific
Duration: hour
No of observers: 5
Location: Lenoir, TN, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Emitted beams
Scary and very true
This happend awile back .
Me and my family were having a fire outside and were injoying the night sky when we heard a loud sound in the distance . It shook the ground it was a not a loud sound but a low roar like thunder.
We stood there a looking up to the sky for any sighn of lightning but it wasnt even cloudy . A few moments later the sound came again this time louder and with bright grey lights . The sound shook the ground so hard that you could feel it in your head .
We realized that the sound could not be thunder of any kind . We could not see through the trees where the gray light was coming from. On the oppisite side of the tree line was a large cattle field. We all figured thats where the light were coming from .
We have one old woman that lives down the road and she does not make any noise so it couldnt have been a neighbor it was to loud and to powerful for a machine or anything of that nature . We all kind of started to worry so we went in the house after the second time we saw it .
As soon as we got in we felt the low roar and felt the floors in the house shake . I was standing by the window and it shook the house so hard a picture fell off the wall . Again the lights were very bright and could be seen over the tree line and throught the windows of my home . The tree line was a ways off from my house so it was unbeleavible that something that far away could make enough energy to shake the walls and be as bright as it was . You could hear the cattle running behind the house to apparently get away from whatever was out there .
We considered calling the local police but did not because we thought it would be made fun of . This contiuned for another 30 mins or so then stopped . It would light the woods up like the middle of the day and shake the house and suddenly stop then do it again . This went on for about an hour .
I went out to see if i could find anything the next day but i found nothing . For nothing to be there was suprising because something was in the field that nigh! t . After that night i have contiued to see strange lights in the woods but no sounds . It always happens in the colder months for some reason . I havent asked my close neighbor about that night or if she ever see's lights or sounds coming from the woods but she never asked me so i suppose she was asleep that night Plus i dont want to worry her she lives alone and im sure it would scare her . I will post what i see from now on to let you when i see more lights or hear anything .
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2007-02-01
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