NUFORC UFO Sighting 54032
Occurred: 2006-12-16 07:00 LocalReported: 2006-12-16 20:14 Pacific
Duration: 20 to 30 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Butler, OH, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
Low light stops, grows to a very large msty light. The large round lighted mist is gone and now, A starburst!
My friend and I had split up and were settling in for the moring deer hunt. He was probably a half mile from me and saw the entire happenings.
As I had walked to my position where I was going to sit and wait for Whitetail deer (about 50 yards from a large wood line in a picked soybean field) I looked over at a beautiful red horizon where the sun was going to be rising soon, As I looked I saw what appeared to be jet contrails coming from almost directly from where the sun was about to rise. For a split second I didn't think a thing about it but just as quick I thought it was strangely low in the horizon to be contrails. Now the contrail seems to moving very fast and right at my frined and myself. Suddeny the contrails stopped and now I could see one very bright light. This light, now no longer producing contrails seemed to be at a very high rate of speed and was still heading right at us.
the next thing that happend really shocked me. I continued to watch and suddenly the light stops. Not right over top of me but still out in front of me and was now lower than at any other point. My guess would be 500 to 700 feet. Just as it stopped the single light seemed to begin growing. The light grew and it wasn't just light but a mist or fog seemd to growing within this ever expanding light. It still was not moving. In much less than 1 second, the misty light or large circle of light disappeared and once again it was just this single light hovering. Then in another split second the single light turned into a larger starburst light! Now the object is moving slowly to my left (North) But it may not have been moving directly left as it didn't get smaller in size or seem farther away as you would expect an oject to do as it moved along to my left. I thought it may have actually been moving to my left and slightly forward.
I conituned to watch it and just then my phone, which is set on vibrate, begins to do so. I answered it and it was my buddy asking me if I was watching this too. I said of course. As we were talking about the events we just saw the light seemed to be fading away. But not really fading as if it was moving away and becoming faint.
This was not the case at all. It was simply disappearing. It looked as if was slipping behind a curtain. It started to disappera on the Sunburst right side and continue to move towards that side until the whole thing was gone.
Someone may think it was cloud it slipped behing. Nope....There wasn't a cloud in the sky on this beautiful Saturday morning. It was crystal clear with thousands of stars out. This thing just slipped away into thin air! My friend and I contued to discuss this for quite sometime before we started to think about actually hunting.
I have always loved airplanes. I model them and go to airshows all over a three state area around Ohio. I am somewhat fimiliar with any aircraft, it's lighting and and it movement. This couldn't have been the movement of any aircraft I have ever seen. I think We certainly would've heard some prop or jet sounds. Not close of course, as even airliners that are very high in the sky can be heard at 7:00 am in the middle of a large area where there is nothing but crops and woods.
Missile launch from Wallops Island, VA. PD
Posted 2007-02-01
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