NUFORC UFO Sighting 54010
Occurred: 2006-12-15 18:28 LocalReported: 2006-12-15 16:09 Pacific
Duration: 1 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Flovilla, GA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
White dot almost crashes into a plane
Around 6:28pm I was outside with the dogs.We live over a holding pattern for the Atlanta airport,So I watch the plans come in from the distant.
Tonight it was very busy 2-5 planes coming in at a time. The one plane that caught my attention was the one that had the very fast moving white dot coming right to the side of it.
This dot was coming from the SouthWest and the plane was headed to the northwest.
At one point the dot came very close to the plane I thought It was going to crash into it,but it didn't. It (the dot) just missed the plane and went behind it,then just disappering into the sky.
Posted 2007-02-01
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