NUFORC UFO Sighting 53890
Occurred: 2006-12-09 06:11 LocalReported: 2006-12-09 09:23 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Chilliwack (Canada), BC, Canada
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects
dark oval like object crossed in sky while driving on highway near chilliwack making stereo go warbly / off pitch like battery failing
was driving to chilliwack down highway 1. suddenly the CD i was playing seemed to slow down as if battery was failing...but it didnt slow down it kinda got when trying to start a car that won't start.... anyways, it is hard to describe but it was off pitch.... i also felt a kinda shock in my neck...not sure if related... i think my lights dimmed too...not 100% on that...i thought my battery was having problems anyways..which startled me because i was driving 100Km/hr.... then i saw a fast moving dark shape in the sky out front of my was flying at an angle ..only saw it for a moment because it crossed my path.... at first i thought it was a helicopter..but it was very low....very dark (no lights) and moved very silently except it seemed there was a bass like sound as it went in front/overtop of me. then it was gone and the stereo was back to normal...i couldnt stop because i was on the thats all i can say. dont even know if it was anything...but it was a little chilling.
Posted 2006-12-14
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