NUFORC UFO Sighting 5326

Occurred: 1999-01-11 17:47 Local
Reported: 1999-01-11 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Danville, CA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Blue-green fireball with a tail to the NW headed down and to the west; appeared to be 13-17 miles away towards San Francisco Bay

I was headed north on I-680 at Sycamore Valley exit in Danville. In the NW, I saw a blue-green fireball with a tail descending at a steep angle (on a clockface it would have fallen through 7:00). It disappeared behind the hills above San Ramon Valley to the W and NW. The object was the size of a large star. With the arm outstretched and fingers on top and bottom of the tail, it would measure about 1 inch. It's light was about the same brightness as planes flying overhead. It was very visible though it was late dusk. (It was only slightly smaller and much brighter than Hale-Bopp appeared in the bay area.) My sense was that it was headed for the bay, which would have made it 13-17 miles away. I am a computer professional with no military nor pilot experience.

Posted 1999-02-16

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