NUFORC UFO Sighting 53229
Occurred: 2006-06-18 21:15 Local - ApproximateReported: 2006-11-03 05:27 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 2
Location: British Virgin Islands, , British Virgin Islands
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects
Golden diamoned shaped object followed car in British Virgin Islands
We first saw the object when it was around 600ft high. It had a solid golden glow on the side points which extended up and down slightly. It looked like the bottom section of the diamond/cross was longer then the top and sides. We couldn't tell what direction it was moving in. It started moving up and down vertically, in a straight line and then horizontally. We then lost it behind a hill(the island is quite hilly). We drove for around 4/5 minutes before I saw a light on top of another hill and then the other observer saw it as well before it went down behind the hill. Again we drove for a few minutes but I kept getting distracted by a light in my rear view mirror, but no car would come up behind me. The third time I was distracted I saw shadows moving like something was in front of the light. I said to my partner that something was behind us. He looked back and the object was approx. 600ft behind us and 100ft in the air. He got a clear look at it and it was a diamond/cross shape with a slightly longer bottom section. There were golden lights on the two side sections spreading up and down along the vertical section. There was also a red glow on the top and bottom points, slightly spreading up and down along the ends of the vertical section. It followed us for a couple of seconds and then shot off very fast. For a few days after we experienced electrical anomalies, is this coincidence or normal?
Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD
Posted 2006-12-07
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