NUFORC UFO Sighting 53227
Occurred: 2006-11-03 18:30 LocalReported: 2006-11-02 23:17 Pacific
Duration: Aleast an hour and half
No of observers: 0
Location: Millington, TN, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed
Mysterious hovering craft over Millington, Tn.
My friend and I were on our way to Millington from Munford, Tennessee, which is about 15 minutes away. It was already pitch black outside.
As we pulled out onto the highway, we saw what appeared to be lights from a large cargo plane flying overhead. It was not unusual for cargo planes to be doing test fights at night in this area, so we ignored it for the most part. 5 minutes before we made it to Millington the "plane" was next to us in the sky to the right.
We didn't think much of it until I realized we were going faster than the plane was. It was following along with us then slowed down to a stand still. I thought it might be a helicopter, but this thing was huge with a wide wingspan.
It then turned around and headed back towards Munford. Then it again turned around and flew over us.
I was shocked.
Then I saw it go below the tree line and then looked like it was about to crash into the church that was off the highway. It actually landed then took off again from the field. I was thinking it might be a crop duster helicopter, but it was so late and dark. It wasn’t until we got out of are car that I realized it wasn’t a helicopter. We were in the Lowes parking lot and the craft was floating over the highway. It was so close to the ground and so large. I was shocked to hear no sound hardly coming from it. I could hear more of the traffic passing than I could hear the craft. I could only make out the lights from the craft and not the actual craft itself. It had two bright white lights in the nose of the craft, then it seem to have wings which held one bright white light each. Behind the nose and the wings was two red lights and one red light seemed to be on top or near the nose. They blinked in sequence one after the other. The craft turned around again and then landed in the field next to Lowes. I walked over to see it and saw it in the field. I was about 350 yards away from it where I watched as it began to take off again. It took off like a normal airplane but with less runway. It wasn’t! very lo ud either. It had two sounds coming from it. One was a deep low roar, and then a high pitch jet sound. I'm sure it was some sort of Jet hover craft. Obviously man made. I don't believe it was alien or anything. It was just mysterious and was out of place. We have many aircraft flying around sometimes. Its not uncommon to see a jet fighter fly over you a close range to the ground at extremely high speeds. But this one was just weird. It hovers in mid air, lands in fields, takes off like a plane but shorter runway, extremely quiet. I am sure thousands of people saw this, I saw many people in the parking lot looking up at the sky at it. It was strange. It continued to fly even after we made it back home. It just kept flying back and forth down the highway from Munford to Millington.
Posted 2006-12-07
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