NUFORC UFO Sighting 5308
Occurred: 1997-09-20 22:15 LocalReported: 1999-01-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 22 min
No of observers: 12
Location: Poway, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
lights in the shape of a "V" were observed by approx 12 people, nobody had an explanation of what they saw, and nobody had ever seen such an object like this before. The lights were very dim, and appeared to run along the sides of the object. No colored or flashing lights were observed. The lights were about as bright as a satellite catching the light and shining dimly just after sunset. There were +/- five lights running along the two longer sides of the triangle. No lights were seen on what would have been the base of the triangle. It was not possible to determine if the object was the shape of a solid triangle or if it was boomeranged shaped. One of the lights on the object was not in line with the rest of the lights.
On September 20, 1997 at approx 9:15 p.m. over San Diego (observed from the suburb of Poway which is 15 miles north of downtown San Diego) lights in the shape of a "V" were observed by approx 12 people, nobody had an explanation of what they saw, and nobody had ever seen such an object like this before. The lights were very dim, and appeared to run along the sides of the object. No colored or flashing lights were observed. The lights were about as bright as a satellite catching the light and shining dimly just after sunset. There were +/- five lights running along the two longer sides of the triangle. No lights were seen on what would have been the base of the triangle. It was not possible to determine if the object was the shape of a solid triangle or if it was boomeranged shaped. One of the lights on the object was not in line with the rest of the lights. The "V" of lights moved from the northwest to the southeast. The speed seemed to be that of a high altitude jet, and did appear to make a more Easterly turn as it passed overhead. No noise accompanied the object. The object appeared to be extremely large,
Posted 1999-02-16
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