NUFORC UFO Sighting 5258
Occurred: 1998-12-18 06:30 LocalReported: 1998-12-27 00:00 Pacific
Duration: aprox 10 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Port Angeles, WA, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object
Night time sighting, 3 large gold lights on corners, one red light on nose of diamond, couldn't see any body but heard FAINT JET ENGINE NOISE!
I got a good set of binoculars on this thing but still couldn't see any body between the lights. Im almost certain the body was painted black. It was about the size of a large jetliner, The lights were not landing lights or the standard aircraft strobe type lights. The 3 gold lights were much larger than normal aircraft lights and were not aimed in any direction,as landing lights are. Was moving slow as in landing speed. Flew right over our sleeping town ALMOST siently, BUT I HEARD FAINT BUT UNMISTAKABLE JET ENGINE NOISE. Sighting was just after last Gulf war started. I think this thing is one of ours, stealth bomber maybe? Craft was heading east to west. Don't remember if red light was blinking.
Posted 1999-02-16
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