NUFORC UFO Sighting 5245
Occurred: 1998-12-25 19:04 LocalReported: 1998-12-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Salt Lake City (south of), UT, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
We were traveling south on I-15 to Utah County from Salt Lake county and to the right as I watched incoming airplanes from the south I saw a blueish-green glowing round object streak across the top of us going west. The rate of speed was quite fast compared to the jets in the sky and the altitude appeared to be approximately 2000 ft. I it dissappeard over a small mt. range to the west. No sound as we were in the car. The size approximately 4 times the size of a jet at that altitude, although it seemed lower and appeared to be decending slightly. Duration of sighting was approximately 3-4 seconds. There was no trail of color or anything behind this object.
My husband and I were traveling home from Salt Lake county to Utah county on 12-25-98 as I was watching the incoming planes from the south enroute to Salt Lake city airport I saw a round (Full moon shaped) blueish-green glowing object streak across the top of us headed west south west. It dissappeared over a small mt. range east of Tooele Army Depot. The duration was only 3-4 seconds, not sound was heard. My husband didn't see it as he was driving and watching traffic. The size appeared to be approx. 4 times that of a jet at that altitude. It was lower than the clouds and the jets. It crossed right in front of 1 jet, but lower and seemed to be decending as it went by. This was the first time I have ever witnessed anything unexplained in the skies. There seemed to be a aura or haze around this object. There were not blinking lights or other lights on it. It was just one big glowing sphere. Thats all.
Posted 1999-02-16
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