NUFORC UFO Sighting 5243

Occurred: 1992-02-23 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-12-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: East Winn/Winn., ME, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

A curious sphere crossed the roads four times. Changing its color and the "material" it was "made" from (witnessed in e. Winn, Winn Me.). 3 years later, while in Tucson i witnessed another smaller green sphere

While driving from Lee to Winn, I noticed on the western horizon a small red constant sphere. It glided slowly and steadily towards the north east and passed over the road ahead of me (north, about 25-30 deg. from horizon) As it passed directly in front of me it became emorpheous (rather shapless) then immediatly to the right of me it become spherical again (it crossed the roadway 4 times, from w-e, e-w, w-e, e-w in long sweeping motions). It was easy to look at, taking a rather ruddy solid color with a yellow center. but if you looked away it seemed very bright. No shadows cast. The object changed size, color and it seemed the material it was "Made" out of. On the last e-w pass it lost it's redness, then in an instant it increased its size 10x larger, transparent blue and then to a solid highly reflective silver ball. which raced back to the direction it came from and climed high into the night sky. The ground and recent sunset reflected off from it clearly. (an easy nocturnal camoflage at high altitudes!!) Behind me i then notice a car which had driven off the road and i think that person must have seen it. I did not stop, startled i drove home in 1995, while it Tucson, i witnessed a small metallic, coppery-green, sphere appear from the western mountains towards "Old Tucson" (about 10 am in the spring someetime) and gracfully track two airforce aircraft on a training mission of some sorts. I watch it for about 8 sec as all the aircraft disappeared over the mountains. This sphere was considerably smaller...about 25-35 ft.



For some reason, this report was not posted when it was first submitted. We have invited the source to submit a second report for his sighting in 1995. PD

Posted 1999-02-16

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