NUFORC UFO Sighting 5224

Occurred: 1998-12-22 23:30 Local
Reported: 1998-12-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: on going
No of observers: 2

Location: Missouri City, TX, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects

The back yard at 11:30 Pm was lit up like dog was several pictures..enclosed is best one...

I was online on 22-12-98 with my friend from Missouri City (outside of Houston Tx) and he was telling me how his backyard was lit up like daylight and having lived in Texas 25 years had never seen anything like this...So, I told him I would look into finding out what it may have been...When he went to bed at 1pm was on going... I am the Commander of ((title deleted)) State... I went thru all my emergency channels for information/weather oddities and found nothing...but in fact this is very like what goes on down in Pine Bush NY....which I have seen in person myself...So I am checking for my friend...I will enclose his picture he sent of several. Thankyou for any information you may have or other reports... ((Name and address deleted.))

Posted 1999-02-16

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