NUFORC UFO Sighting 5219

Occurred: 1998-12-22 21:00 Local
Reported: 1998-12-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2.5 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Rome (GA)/Cedar Bluff (AL), GA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Landed

At 9PM, in Cherokee, AL while leaving my lakehouse, I saw the first one hovering, then moving. I used perspective to ensure movement. Object disappeared, then reappeared 180 degrees away on the horizon. I called my wife on the cell-phone, then two appeared. I also called my mom, and local authorities. The two appeared to come closer as I flashed my lights, and as I drove with lights out to track them, I saw an additional vehicle transport from one craft, to the other. In the valley (over water) called Stateline Cove, I then saw several, but moving so rapidly in every direction (1 mile away) I was unsure of the #. I actually saw them land repeatedly on water, then rise again. One brighter one stayed high up as to stand watch. Then I went home and took a role of film of the objects with my wife. 5 other cars were in a half mile area watching also. I will develop pictures tomorrow.

At 9PM, in Cherokee, AL while leaving my lakehouse, I saw the first one hovering, then moving. I used perspective to ensure movement. Object disappeared, then reappeared 180 degrees away on the horizon. I called my wife on the cell-phone, then two appeared. I also called my mom, and local authorities. The two appeared to come closer as I flashed my lights, and as I drove with lights out to track them, I saw an additional vehicle transport from one craft, to the other. In the valley (over water) called Stateline Cove, I then saw several, but moving so rapidly in every direction (1 mile away) I was unsure of the #. I actually saw them land repeatedly on water, then rise again. One brighter one stayed high up as to stand watch. Then I went home and took a role of film of the objects with my wife. 5 other cars were in a half mile area watching also. I will develop pictures tomorrow. I used a fence with a sign in the foreground, with rapid shots, to show movement. I contacted my brother also, and another neighbor to watch. I saw a pattern in their movement in an area I am very familiar with, so I was able to track them all the way to my house. The main colors were two clear (blueish) lights, one in lower left and one in upper right that would flash, then immediately many red lights would flash. Object could travel any direction, and disappear and reappear at will, but did keep somewhat of a pattern. Always a "lookout" craft before the others would move from one location to another. I have photos from two sides of the crafts at one point, and they seemed to travel counter clockwise, beginning in the west from my standpoint. I marked all my locations. The objects did not go away, I simply got exhausted chasing them, sometimes traveling well in excess of 80mph. Please contact me for more info, I am very thorough. Almost forgot, before I walked outside at the lakehouse, I heard a large, loud aircraft I figured was a DC-10, but didn't get sight of it. Objects also flew very near GA Power Plant! Hammond, and less than half the height of the flashing smokestack, as well as Inland Container Co. One object emmited a beam clearly in the sky, which was very short, and a beam appeared to have been on the ground once, but no object was in sight.

Posted 1999-02-16

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