NUFORC UFO Sighting 5213

Occurred: 1996-07-30 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-12-20 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: North Little Rock, AR, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Clearly observed a triangular craft outfitted with three bright lights. Object made no sound and floated perfectly still for around four minutes.

As a Police Officer for the North Little Rock Police Department I once held a part time security job for a large apartment complex on the North side of town. I was compensated with a free apartment and was required to secure three different one-level professional buildings as one would occasionally be accidently left unlocked. In July of 1996 my wife accompanied me to help check the doors, shortening my required walk. Coming upon the last building my wife and I again met up at which time we noticed an unusual type of light reflecting on the pavement 50-100 yards in every direction. The light closely resembled the light emitted from late model Lincoln headlights (a new type of halogen bulb) and had sort of a purple tint. In total amazement we both looked up to observe some sort of craft hovering in total silence around 300 feet over our heads. The craft had very bright white lights placed in a triangle and no other lighting. The brightness did not seem to correspond to the level of light hitting the ground as if it were diffused on its way down. The craft remained motionless until we could get to our apartment (approx. 1 block) in an attempt to get my binoculars. We observed the craft the entire way to the apartment and actually began to feel uneasy about the ships presence. Unfortunately the ship was gone when we came out of the house with the binoculars and we were never able to observe the ship moving. I grew up within a mile of an airport and have seen every type of aircraft and its lights and this was not a conventional aircraft of any sort.

Posted 1999-02-16

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