NUFORC UFO Sighting 5205
Occurred: 1998-12-19 03:57 LocalReported: 1998-12-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
I saw a green fireball in the sky and there was definitely an aircraft behind the ball of light.
At about 3:55 a.m on December 19, 1998 I was outside of my work on break. I look to the east and saw a green ball of light flash on in the sky. I saw a video of a green fire ball on TV a few months ago and this was the same thing. Right above the tree top I saw the green ball of light "come on" and for a split second I could clearly see an aircraft either producing or behind the ball of light. It slowly went down behind the tree top and disappeared. About a minute later I saw it come up from behind the trees. It did not "come on" this time it was already on. It stayed above the tree top for a few seconds then went back down. I then saw a flash of red light from the same direction. At that time my break was over so that was all I observed, but I clearly an aircraft behind the ball of light. The ball of light was the same color as the green light from a "red light" it looked like an artificial light not a "fire ball". This incident was observed from Thomas and 33rd Avenue.
Posted 1999-02-16
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