NUFORC Sighting 5176

Occurred: 1997-11-14 16:00 Local
Reported: 1998-12-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Birch Bay, WA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Saw two objects go from northwest southwest over ocean and san jaun islands towards bellingham with a long trail.

I was sitting around in my moms room playing some computer game and I looked out the window over the ocean and saw two objects proceeding in a south/south-west direction fairly slowly for the estimated distance ....four mile....with a tail that both I and my brother thought at that distance would be about one and a half miles long as I said there were two objects moving in parallel paths one etheir being higher about 4 degrees. The highest one being about 12-15 degrees above the horizon and about 20 horisontal degrees in front of the lower one...I went and told my brother and we started looking through binoculars at the objects thinking they might be planes but they more resembled spheres or maybe cigar shaped objects.. with the trail covered most of the objects or made it very blurry so we just saw the ?front? of them.

I have to say that I am very interested in the ufo phenomena as well as the abduction phenomena and am a possible abductee my brother however is quite the oposite being the "ideal" skeptic and he belivies what we saw was not "man made" I am adding this so it is known for the reader peter if you wish to contact please do

Posted 1999-01-28

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