NUFORC Sighting 5170

Occurred: 1998-12-17 07:10 Local
Reported: 1998-12-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Decatur, AL, USA

Shape: Changing

Driving east just before dawn the sky was cloudless. Suddenly a cloud appeared very dence about the size of a football field. it was at 11 o:clock to my position range was about 5 mile. I thought how strange only one small cloud in all this sky. As i drove i watched it evaporate, disapere. A few moments passed and suddenly it was back. It was now about 10 o:clock to my position and again it evaporated. It's position seemned to remain the same. Then it reapeared a third time very dense at first and now at 9 o:clock and only a half mile away. The temperature was about 29F. dry cold air no jet condedsate trails. Could a hot moist enviroment ben generated as a dementional or time craft or crafts stopped for a few seconds to get a bearing on where they were at ? I am making no clame. It's just something to think about.

Posted 1999-01-28

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