NUFORC UFO Sighting 51659

Occurred: 2006-08-12 22:00 Local
Reported: 2006-08-12 22:46 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Fort Dodge, IA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Solid orb of light moving rapidly increasing in size and brightness then suddenly vanishes.

As my wife and I were sitting on the front steps having a cigarette I noticed what appeared to be a satellite or a meteor on a south easterly heading. It appeared to be a solid ball of white light at approx 40,000 feet. It traveled at a slight arc at increasing speeds, then it became ever brighter, like a pulse, then it returned to it's previous size and light intensity until it suddenly disappeared. The whole event lasted no more than ten seconds. We didn't no what to make of it and were a little freaked out. I can say one thing in that it was not a satellite or a meteor, as I have witnessed both of these, and what we saw didn't fit the bill.

Posted 2006-10-30

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