NUFORC UFO Sighting 51620
Occurred: 2006-08-10 00:30 LocalReported: 2006-08-10 13:12 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Keller, TX, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Bright Silver Cylindrical Object Just Disappears Over Keller, Texas
I couldn't sleep so I went out onto my front porch. I looked up at the sky at what I thought was a shooting star. The object was coming straight down right above my head. I noticed that it was cylindrical - It looked like a fat cigar kind of shape. It was very, very bright silver and it seemed seamless. As it was dropping it was going round and round on itself. It then hung motionless in the sky for about 10 seconds. It then tipped as airplanes do when they take off. It picked up an incredible amount of speed and then just disappeared - One second it was there the next it was just gone. It had no sound at all.
Today August 11 I have noticed heavier than usual jet activity over this area but although these jets move super fast you can see them get smaller and smaller as they accelerate and they make a lot of noise. The object I saw was just the opposite.
We have corrected the date above, in order to reflect a date in August 2006, not September. PD
Posted 2006-10-30
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