NUFORC UFO Sighting 51549

Occurred: 2006-08-17 21:50 Local
Reported: 2006-08-17 19:57 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds?
No of observers: 1

Location: Garfield Heights, OH, USA

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

Two possible crafts of NE Ohio

around 9:50 EST witnessed an object in the eastern sky, seemed slow, planelike. Made quicker darting movements then went in a fast line over our building. Glimpsed from below as it passed over, was diamond shaped (could tell from the 4 lights). 2 red lights looking like Automobile side mirror lights in newer vehicles - red lights had right angle shape, defining the diamond.

About 30 minutes later, another craft spotted, this time going from NNE to SE sky. Was dim at first and when passed noticed it had lights in triangle pattern, with one red, one green, one BRIGHT pulsating light, pulsing in sequences of 3. Unsure of whether this was a plane but either craft emitted no sound and this craft did not match similar viewings of planes in the sky at night.

Posted 2006-10-30

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