NUFORC UFO Sighting 51547
Occurred: 2006-08-06 20:00 LocalReported: 2006-08-17 17:31 Pacific
Duration: 2 minute
No of observers: 4
Location: Binghamton, NY, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
upstate NY sighting
I think I could probably draw it easier than describe it - what caught my attention was the lights coming downward in our direction - i saw it thru the window while we watched a movie. It was going really slow - and the lights were (i believe) blue & white. I went outside & looked at it & heard NO NOISE at all! and even though it appeared to be going slow - it covered a large distance in just a couple minutes it was out of sight. Imagine a hammerhead shark - the "wings" were curved like a partial C, and then the "tail" part was very very short. The wings looked ot be 4 times as long as the little stub of a tail. the lights alternated, one color then the other. It may have been green & blue - very bright. I went outside thinking it was a plane of some sort, and we do have lockheed martin & other military contracter factory -type places, but after seeing it I didnt think it was a plane at all. There was no electrical problems/interruptions - but the satellite went out - as it has been a lot with no weather conditions to cause it. If you want to talk to me let me know & if i miss the call i can call you back (no need for collect call).
Posted 2006-10-30
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