NUFORC UFO Sighting 51519
Occurred: 2006-08-03 22:50 Local - ApproximateReported: 2006-08-16 15:12 Pacific
Duration: 25 minutes
No of observers: 7
Location: Tecoman (Mexico), , Mexico
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Our first night we seen an orange sphere that lasted for hours right above the ocean,it didnt move at all but it had a weird glow to it, it was very dark so it definitely stood out..4 days later we seen a sphere in the sky that would turn on and off every 30 seconds for about 25 minutes deep into the ocean seemed as if they were working on something in the ocean...Right before I got to tecoman I had heard stories about the same encounters and got a chance to experience it myself along with 7-8 family members and friends...1 hr later the moon grew by 100 times and within 5 minutes it dissapeared into the ocean as was like we were in a time tunnel...strangest night of my life... I have live footage that I recorded on my cybershoot camera in case your wondering..
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2006-10-30
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