NUFORC UFO Sighting 51507
Occurred: 2006-08-15 19:30 LocalReported: 2006-08-16 00:26 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Fredericton (Canada), NB, Canada
Shape: Cigar
Metal like object, size of plane, no jet stream, no wings, no tail, not moving at a great pace. Disappeared within seconds
Object was observed in sky, estimated to be close to the average flight of passenger aircraft but there was no jet stream behind it.
It was above and behind a large thunder storm. Could see the glare of metal from the sun but no signs of wings or a tail, somewhat cigar shaped, didn't seem to be moving at a great pace.
I momentarily stuck my head in the door of the house to tell my friend to come and look at this object, he came out and it was gone.
Given the view, which was unlimited, there was no way that it could have disappeared that quick as the time delay was roughly 10 seconds or better.
Perhaps it was a satellite close to the hemisphere. It was not a plane and it just disappeared.
No noise noted.
Posted 2006-10-30
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